Create your first function

This guide will help you create and build your own function using Node.js.

Disclaimer: at the moment, this guide will give you a ready-to-use rootfs for Firecracker. We're working on the distribution of this rootfs.


Create the function code

Create a directory on your machine where your function code will be stored, and initialize a new npm project:

mkdir -p /tmp/my-first-function
cd /tmp/my-first-function
npm init -y

Now, create a file handler.js with the following content :

exports.handler = async function(req, res) {
    // `req` is an Express request object
    // See:

    // `res` is an Express response object
    // See:
    // Here you have full control on the response.
    // You can return anything you want, but you always need to set at least the response code
    return res.status(200).send("My first function !")

Your function is ready to be packaged.

Build the function package

To package your function, execute the following command :

morty build --name my-first-function --runtime node-19 .
  • --name my-first-function: the name of the function
  • --runtime node-19 : here you indicate that you want to use the node-19 runtime.
  • . : the path to the function code. As we are in the same folder, we use . here.

You should have a file my-first-function.ext4.lz4 into your current working directory.